Where do you turn to improve profitability on your farm? A business has five major “levers” they can pull to be more profitable, said Purdue University’s Brady Brewer during the Professional...
“Global opportunities are now an integral part of our business,” shared Randy Mooney during the chairman’s address at the 25th Dairy Farmers of America (DFA) annual meeting on March 21,...
In recent years, research on pair-housing calves has helped the dairy community recognize that calves can benefit from socialization. Pair-housed calves grow as well as or even better than individually...
March is one of those months that is, plain and simple, unpredictable. The time change throws everyone off at the beginning of the month, and the weather doesn’t know what it wants to do
Why do milk components matter? During the March Hoard’s Dairyman webinar, the University of Illinois’ Mike Hutjens reviewed several reasons why it pays to improve component production
Cost-cutting should always start with the largest expense areas, and on dairies, that’s feed. Reducing expenses in this area has become more complex, though, as the inputs for growing and purchasing...
My simple answer to the question posed in the title is a resounding yes. Why? Because whether we like it or not, we’re in the business of selling a product
I had an actual conversation with Microsoft Bing’s new A.I. . . . as in artificial intelligence . . . chatbot this morning. After so much press about this new A.I. tool’s usefulness to regular...
Someone must make the first move when it comes to farm transition planning. According to Liz Griffith, a human resource consultant for Encore Consultants, the process would ideally be initiated by the...
A strand of twine, an empty teat dip barrel, a lose piece of wire, a scrap of freestall neck rail, emptied mineral tubs, extra metal brackets, broken skid loader attachments, and so forth — these...
After hearing objections from county constituents and the Wisconsin Milk Haulers Association, the Chippewa County Highway Committee, Chippewa County Board of Supervisors, and the Chippewa County Highway...
Sometimes I am reminded that not everyone has the same values we carry; trust and strong character are a part of a farmer’s makeup. Our handshake is as good as a signed contract, and we don’t...
Strategies for boosting milk componentspresented by Mike Hutjens, University of Illinoissponsored by: QLFRaising milk components is a way to add value to milk checks, especially for farmers that face
According to enrollment reports issued by USDA’s Farm Service Agency, the percentage of established production history enrolled in the Dairy Margin Coverage (DMC) program climbed to 78.5% for 2023